Consider what a romantic expedition you are on; take notes

Bohemia Design have stocked up on new Cavallini & Co notebooks ….credit card at the ready *sob* ….

Just lovely, and the rest of the designs can be found here


Filed under Books, Pretty Things

7 responses to “Consider what a romantic expedition you are on; take notes

  1. They’re absolutely gorgeous! I love how vintage and quaint they are. I wish I could get one for my English travels… but I haven’t filled my last travel journal yet =S

    Bambola x

  2. Eve

    Oh my goodness those are wonderful! I want one! Heheh. They’re awesome!

  3. you and your posts are always so sweet! thanks for missing my posts!! i promise i will post again soon. i just haven’t had enaugh time (social life increases so much in summer! i had no idea ^^)
    lovely pictures (are they really credit cards??!)

    PL ♥

  4. So pretty! Definitely dangerous for the credit card…hehe
    No worries about the images, i borrowed them from elsewhere too!

  5. ooo i have postcards similar to that top one – i adore bird things 🙂

  6. looooove these! so beautiful. i may need some 🙂

  7. These are gorgeous I don’t think ive seen anything like it where i live
    hae pity on us ouback australians 😀
    theyre wonderful

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