The End of an Era

To my wonderful readers,

I started A Chick Named Hermia about two and half years ago, simply wanting a reason to write regularly.

I had NO idea what I was getting myself in to.

I have met wonderful people, read posts by so many amazing writers, made ‘real world’ friends and discovered my writing style.

I also became part of a community that I could always turn to in times of trouble.

A Chick Named Hermia has become more than I ever dreamed it would be.

It also became a blog that was a million miles from the first draft.

At first, it was simply a place I could post random bits and bobs I came across, but gradually it became a part of me and you all ended up submerged in my life.

I love sharing my stories with you and your feedback has been invaluable, but not everyone can be as lovely as you lot.

There are some trolls out there and they’ve made writing here very difficult. There are also a number of other issues going on in my life right now, which means I just don’t have the time or energy required to keep this blog going.

I’ve put so much work into ACNH that ending it seemed unimaginable, but I don’t have another choice at the moment.

Thank you so much for the support you’ve given me up to now, and for all the encouragement you’ve offered up in regards to my writing.

I love you all and will miss everyone so much.

Until we meet again,


Filed under Daily Update.

39 responses to “The End of an Era

  1. It’s a shame that you’re going to be leaving A Chick Named Hermia, I really enjoyed reading your posts, but I’m also looking forward to your new blog! x

  2. it really is the end of an era!! 😦 chick named hermia is what inspired me to blog, and my blog is what got me both the jobs I’m doing today….. in a way I’ve a lot to thank you for!! Apart from the endless hours of entertainment, obviously 🙂 sorry to see it go but good luck with the new blog, and you have my details, I’ll be watching for your new link!! xx

  3. Your blog was actually the first blog I have EVER read! You, along with many other bloggers, inspired me to keep my own blog (although I rarely update anymore 😦 ). I’m sad that you’re putting an end to ACNH, but I definitely look forward to the new blog!


  4. You’ve had such a rough trot lately, you poor thing! I’m glad you’ve managed to find a way that you can keep blogging though, for you bring me so many smiles and laughs that I would certainly miss you if you decided not to blog anymore!

    I’ve sent you my details – I look forward to your new blog.

  5. I’ll miss this one.. it was one of the first things I read and enjoyed.. hope you send me the url for your new blog..
    until then, miss you!!

  6. i’m going to miss ACNH. Definitely one of my fave blogs and one of the first I actually read reguarly! I have sent you my email so I hope to read more of your adventures soon! Julia @ Retro Jules

  7. I’ve been missing your blog! Hope you are well/coping ok, and I look forward to the new one!!!

    Kathryn Xx

  8. I truly will miss your blog.. i’ve followed it avidly for the last few years.

  9. Stacey Barry

    Really can’t believe ur going, felt very sad until I saw this is not the end 🙂 hope ur keeping well and look forward to reading ur stuff again soon xx

  10. I will miss your musings so much! You’re the first Irish blog I ever read and have kept me coming back ever since. Can’t wait to see your next venture, it’s been an absolute pleasure! xx

  11. Can’t wait to see what you do next blogging wise. Your blog has always been in my (now quite brutally short due to shortage of time) list of regular reads. Don’t let mean people get you down. And remember even if lots of us can only support you in a virtual way we are still real people – and we care about you Hermia! x

  12. lil-bee

    Hey Hermia!

    I’ve only just recently discovered your blog, and I’ve been a silent reader .. and its really sad that you have to go 😦 people kinda suck at being happy for other people, but I wish you luck with the new blog and in real life with everything 🙂

  13. can’t believe it’s come to this but I’m looking forward to your new venture already

  14. I’m sad to see you leave ACNH but am excited for the new blog. I hope you every success in the future and hope, one day, everything you deserve comes your way 🙂 Best of luck.

  15. I’m going to miss ACNH a lot and sad to see you leave but can’t wait for the new one!!
    Lady Peach

  16. This is a real shame- I’ve really enjoyed reading ACMH. looking forward to following you to the new blog.

    Best of luck! 🙂

  17. Eve

    I’m sorry to hear that the blog is at an end. At the same time I feel like all good things have to end. You know? I often feel like I have almost grown out of my blog. It’s an odd feeling. Like life has begun moving at a pass to fast to write to.
    I miss hearing from you, and I hope you are well!

  18. Best of luck with the new blog, I look forward to reading it, no doubt it will be as wonderful as ACNH x

  19. Jax

    Sorry to hear 😦

  20. See you on the other side 🙂

  21. Good luck with the new blog … I’m sure it will develop into a daily visit for many old and new readers 🙂

  22. Will miss ACNH but looking forward to hearing of your new adventures! x

  23. knitbetch

    I am really sad but also cross that some people either through the internet or other means have taken the joy out of blogging for you, as this has been really a fantastic blog. I only wish I could write with such genuineness as you do.
    I wanto say “Don’t let them put a halt to your blog”, but sometimes its good to give your head a rest, re-evaluate and come back all the stronger I suggest keeping a notebook or scrap booking whatever bits you discover that would inspire your blog posts in the future.

    Look after yourself

  24. Bec

    As a person who used to blog in what feels like many years ago, I have found myself becoming a silent reader of this blog in the last few months. Such a shame that you have to move yourself elsewhere, but looking forward to reading about new chapters in your life, in a new chapter of blogsphere space 🙂

  25. I’m a huge fan of this blog and so sad that you’re moving on 😦 (even though I know you’re getting a new one). Anyway, will you please send me the address to your new blog? I’d love to keep reading your super posts. 🙂 Thanks a million!

  26. well….best of luck with the new blog…im sure its gona be just as fab! would love to follow…

  27. Aww best of luck with the new blog! Of course we will be following it! x

  28. Sinead Rural

    Ah I actually nearly cried when I read this.!!! Chick named Hermia always Brightened up my day and I looked forward to reading it. I really miss you. xx Send me a life update soon please friend xx

  29. Loved your stories so all the best! I look forward to reading your new blog 🙂

  30. Mercredi

    I’m a “silent reader” from paris and i’d love to read your new blog!
    Have a nice day and good luck!

  31. Ash

    Really sorry to hear you feel you have to stop writing here, I’m a huge (mostly silent!) fan of ACNH!! Things seem to have been tough for you lately so I wish you the best of luck with everything! 🙂 I’d love to read your new blog, my e-mail is

  32. Sorry to hear 😦 Your blog has always been my fave. xxx

  33. what did these stupid people do that forced you to blogging on acnh?!?!?! such a shame – i loved this blog! 😦

  34. DeAnna

    Aw, I really hate that these people have brought you to this! I absolutely loved this blog and used u as my inspiration to blog! Hopefully I will get to be apart of this new chapter in your life!

  35. 😦
    Only recently found your blog and so sorry you have to close it. On the bright side, have no doubt but that new one will be spectacularly wonderful so please let me know when it’s ready to roll!!!!!!

  36. Eoghan M

    Don’t be sorry that it’s over; Be happy that it began.

    I’ll really miss this blog Hermia. I’m in Thailand, and I’m still reading: sorry to see you go, but best of luck with the move. Wicked sense of humour, infallible honesty too.

  37. Would love to follow the new blog…

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