A bientot…

I feel like such a nomad right now.

I’ve packed my bag once again, and this time for a not-so-joyous event.

I’ll be up in Donegal for the next few days to attend my aunt’s funeral, and when I return to Dublin on Friday, I’ll be heading to the airport for my flight to London, so understandably I won’t be much of a presense for the rest of week.

I’ll be back full-time on Monday, and I promise to catch up on all your lovely blogs then!

Talk soon



Filed under Daily Update., General Observations

9 responses to “A bientot…

  1. Sorry about your aunt, that’s sad. Hope you still enjoy London though.

  2. i hope the funeral isnt too bad

    is that your suitcase? love it!


  3. Sorry about your Aunt.
    And may your other trips be lovely. 🙂

  4. I am sorry for your loss 😦

  5. Aw darling good luck and I am very sorry to hear of your loss. I’ll be thinking of you! xx

  6. Awww pet, thank you for your lovely comments  I am just working my way through all my comments and so be prepared for a long reply!!! (I also have to catch up on my blog reading so I shall be reading voraciously and commenting).
    I read Billie Piper’s life story… she’s a tough cookie… but as Rose she’s brilliant. But I must confess when I read her book, it was a shock because the two are such opposites and I made the mistake of thinking she is Rose when she isn’t. But I do think she is a brilliant actress.
    David Tennant is a legend. I think he should have a knighthood. Sir David Tennant.
    The new Doctor Who girl is nice and natural and looks like she should have some spunk. I hate the ones that just fall over all the time and scream.
    Thanks for the comment about my arm… its still a funny shape but oh well. At least the bandage is off now.
    My Family is brilliant!!! Howver, like Gossip Girl I’ve missed quite a lot of episodes due to the eccentricity of my family and modern technology such as television. But I have plans once I am financially affluent again, to buy the DVDs and catch up. Apart from the episode when ‘Colin’ as I call him comes back, I seen the one where the blonde girl with the little boy lies to the lovelorn dentist chap about a Swedish blonde liking him. And the random hairy man that seems to live in their house.
    As one can see, I am wonderfully in touch with the modern world.
    I had a rosewood antique dressing table but I had to share it with my youngest sister and because we were quite young, it ended up being much maltreated and ended up getting thrown out. The madness of parents to give antique furniture to children. I still miss it though, it was lovely  but I am not getting that though now  I am getting an old writing desk with carved spindly legs and covered in dust. This is because I broke my tacky chest of drawers which are now rendered unusable but oh well. I did want that dressing table though 
    Perhaps we shall both one day fulfil our rosewood dressing table ambitions.
    I must dash now so take care


    p.s have a lovely time 🙂

  7. Also I’m sorry to hear about your aunt’s funeral 😦 I hope everything turns out okay.


  8. Sorry about your aunt – I hope you’ll be OK.

    PS. I loved the pics!

  9. Your site was extremely interesting, especially since I was searching for thoughts on this subject last Thursday.

    I’m Out! 🙂

G'wan....you know you've got something to say....