I lie back just driftin’ and play out these scenes …

Long-time readers of the blog might remember me raving about Spring Awakening, which I got to see back in January ’09 (*gasp* that makes me feel old…that was AGES ago!!) when I visited London with my old friend Lovely Disco.

A rock musical adaptation of a controversial 1891 German play of the same name, it is unfortunately one of the less famous musicals although it received a boost this year when Lea Michele and Jonathan Groff appeared on our screens in Glee, as they were both in the original line-up when it opened in America in 2006.

However, in my opinion, it’s easily as good as the likes of Rent.
Basically, it’s amazing!

So you can imagine how thrilled I am to announce that Spring Awakening will be running in The Helix, Dublin during September thanks to the National Youth Musical Theatre and director John Donnelly. I’m also proud to say it has a number of my old college friends working on and starring in the show!

I know these people and what they’re capable of: this is going to be top quality.

You have to see it!

I don’t think I can really explain just how AMAZING the musical itself is.
The story is fantastic -it’s touching, funny, heartbreaking and gasp-worthy.
The music is just mind-blowing and I never get sick of listening to it (check THIS out, if you will).
Even the set is worth a shout-out!!!!

And if you still feel you need persuading, in the words of cast member Shane Willoughby…
“What makes Spring Awakening such an important piece is how even after more than a
century, its themes, its sensitivites and its controversies remain the same. Such is the beauty
of the piece, it transcends time and while years pass and trends come and go, Spring
Awakening and its messages remain constant. It will always be relevant.”

Now go buy your tickets….


Filed under Music, Random

10 responses to “I lie back just driftin’ and play out these scenes …

  1. Woo for Spring Awakening! Seriously though, come and see the show, it’ll be amazing!

  2. Eve

    It makes me wish I lived in Dublin so I could come see it! I’m sure it will be brilliant!!

  3. Can’t wait 🙂 Fiona Carty has one exceptional voice. She was amazing in Rent. Totally getting tickets a-sap. x

  4. I am sure that show is great- I’ve heard fab reviews!

  5. thats SO WEIRD!! i got an email today re auditioning for Spring Aweakening for a run in Cork’s Granary Theatre!!!!

  6. L

    Aw, I’d love to go to that but I’ll actually be away then. (I’ve been watching that Lea Michele/Jonathan Groff vid on a loop all evening, so amazing!)

  7. Oh I wish I could see this show, I only listened to SA over the summer because of Glee/Lea Michele/Jonathan Groff and now adore it. Am going to London for Deathtrap with Jonathan Groff soon though!

  8. Pingback: And just enjoy the show « A Chick Named Hermia

  9. Pingback: Let me tell you about the time I….fell on stage | A Chick Named Hermia

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