Two silhouettes on the shade

Took a walk and passed your house late last night
All the shades were pulled and drawn way down tight
From within, the dim light cast two silhouettes on the shade
Oh what a lovely couple they made

Put his arms around your waist, held you tight
Kisses I could almost taste in the night
Wondered why I’m not the guy who’s silhouette’s on the shade
I couldn’t hide the tears in my eyes


Filed under Music, Photography

12 responses to “Two silhouettes on the shade

  1. I could have sworn I’d heard that before…

  2. that is so very beautiful

  3. emilycross

    That was really beautiful, did you write that?

    Good God woman, if you did I’m like green with envy with your talent 🙂

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! A bit belated… 🙂

  5. How was the concert? 🙂 Did you shop for pretty clothes? 🙂

    • Oh the trip isn’t until June! I hate my plans being changed, so The Boy was smart enough to plan it for a couple of months time so it didn’t clash with other things I’d already planned, lol!

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