Tag Archives: Jersey Boys

Gah Buh Lurb


Yup, in work and blogging by 7:10am again.
The next tram would get me into work a few minutes late so I’m forced to come in 25mins early.

Roll on Wednesday when I’m back to my 9am starts.

So I’m back from London.
Phew, what a weekend.
Saturday was one of those days where you nearly had to suspend belief to wrap your head around the amount of things that went horribly wrong.
This also included having to watch the first 15mins of the Jersey Boys in the lobby.

Oh and I lost my hat!
And any girl who understands the importance of a closet staple that can be worn with anything and everything at any time of the year AND keeps your hair looking good, can understand what a tragedy that is.
It took my three years to find that hat.
We spent two glorious years together and now it is no more *sob*
And I will have to suffer giant frizzy hair until I can find another rare jewel in the hat world that I can wear (I have an odd-shaped head and a big fringe so hats aren’t normally my friends).

Sunday was MILES better and definitely saved the trip. A lot of it was spent in Madame Tussauds where a lot of craic was had.

Oh and I’m frickin awesome at navigating my way around the underground.

But I am absolutely knackered right now, thanks to a delayed flight last night and my brain isn’t really working properly, so you’ll have to wait until tomorrow for a proper account of that trip and also some pictures of me with wax statues famous people.

Does anyone else think Garfunkles is the most overrated restaurant possibly ever?
Also my world cup fantasy football team is kicking ass in The Boy’s league, proving my point that football is lame and any eejit can throw together a decent team for fantasy leagues.


EDIT: LOL! By Jebus, just read this post over on Jenny’s blog, and well, I feel like I should retract my Terrible Start To The Holiday whine, because something like THIS could’ve happened…


Filed under Daily Update.

Two silhouettes on the shade

Took a walk and passed your house late last night
All the shades were pulled and drawn way down tight
From within, the dim light cast two silhouettes on the shade
Oh what a lovely couple they made

Put his arms around your waist, held you tight
Kisses I could almost taste in the night
Wondered why I’m not the guy who’s silhouette’s on the shade
I couldn’t hide the tears in my eyes


Filed under Music, Photography

They say it’s your birthday…

Well considering I am the Big 23 today, no prizes for guessing what this week’s Fantabulous Foto Friday theme will be!

I am in a such an AMAZING mood, because The Boy presented me with a weekend in London this morning AND it’s not JUST a trip to London….it’s a trip to London to see THE JERSEY BOYS!!!!!

I’m so unbelievably excited!!!!


Some random side notes:

  • I laughed at a really old woman yesterday cos she looked like a human raisin and had a funny expression on her face, so I’m going to hell.
  • Someone called me H the other day in a comment and I was like, “AWESOME I have a cool blogger nickname,” like Q in the Bond movies….or H from Steps….that’s less cool….
  • I currently smell like vanilla after a bath last night with a Lush Bath Bomb…mmmmm


Filed under Daily Update., Fantabulous Foto Friday, Music, Pretty Things