Purpose Project

The Purpose Project ended on 31st December.
I’ve ticked off the things I managed to do from the list my readers compiled.
There are a couple that I know for definite that I’m doing this year, such as going to Disneyland, but the aim was to have the list completed by the end of 2010 so I won’t tick them off.
It’s surprisingly difficult to get through if you still plan on having a life and a full-time job, so I’m really happy at the amount I did!
Hope you guys are even more successful if you decide to try it yourselves this year!

You can follow my progress HERE although I warn you, I only recorded a couple of them…writing about them wasn’t nearly as interesting as doing them!

1.       Go on a rollercoaster

2.       Make an item of clothing

3.       Invent a cocktail

4.       Submit some writing/photographs to a publication

5.       Go horse riding

6.       Be in a movie/TV programme

7.       Do karaoke

8.       Write a song

9.       Watch at least 70 of the American Film Institute’s Ten Top Ten: http://www.afi.com/10TOP10/

10.   Climb a tree

11.   Learn to play a song on an instrument

12.   Write a novella/book of short stories

13.   Knit a scarf

14.   Have a dinner party

15.   Host a tea party

16.   Go for a picnic

17.   Hand-write letters to people (aim for 2-3 a month)

18.   Compliment a stranger

19.   Learn to bake bread

20.   Go to a football match

21.  Eat a hot dog in New York

22.   Go skinny dipping

23.   Go to a fashion show

24.   Eat a naga moris

25.   Make a radical change –dye/cut hair, get a tattoo or piercing

26.   Write a letter/note and leave it in a library book

27.   Make a board with pictures and things that inspire you

28.   Eat macarons in Paris

29.   Run a marathon

30.   Become (basically) fluent in a foreign language

31.   Go on a road trip

32.   Yell ‘penis’ in public

33.   Stand in a busy public area with a Free Hugs sign

34.   Read the Twilight series

35.   Read the Harry Potter series

36.   Do an extreme sport

37.   Go to the cinema alone

38.   Develop a roll of film from a Diana camera

39.   Build a fort

40.   Write a script and shoot a movie

41.   Stay up all night and watch the sunrise

42.   Do stand-up comedy

43.   Ride a gondola

44.   Ride a bike

45.   Learn to say hello in 30 languages

46.   Visit a cave

47.   Go to a jazz bar

48.   Go to a poetry session

49.   Learn a dance routine

50.   Talk to a famous person

51.   Visit Disneyland

52.   Host a themed party

53.   Hold a tarantula

54.   Sleep under the stars

55.   Celebrate an event or occasion with champagne

56.   Adopt a foreign accent for an entire day

57.   Steal a sign

58.   Perform on stage

59.   Attend a Rocky Horror Night

60.   Read a book by a Russian author

61.   Learn how to French braid hair

62.   Take pictures in a phone booth with at least one other person

63.   Eat gelato

64.   Have a sleepover

65.   Eat an unusual meat (ie: not the basic beef, pork, lamb, poultry meats)

66.   Go to a music festival

67.   Try lobster

68.   Get an item of clothing professionally made

69.   Have a facial/manicure/pedicure

70.   See 5 films in one day in the cinema

71.   Watch an outdoor movie

72.   Stay in a hotel suite and order room service

73.   Have breakfast at Tiffany’s

74.   Ride a carousel

75.   Go to a different country just to see a band play.

76.   Fulfil a single childhood dream that you always told yourself was stupid

77.   Eat a three-course meal, consisting of dishes you’ve never eaten before

78.  Wear a beret and sunglasses for an entire day

79. Go to your nearest train station, buy a ticket for the next train leaving the station, get off randomly and ask for the best bakery in the area. Have tea and cake.

80. Host/Attend a murder mystery party.

81. See an opera or ballet

82. Make your friends a mix CD

83. Pull dopey fashion poses and have a mini fashion shoot

84. Have your fortune told

85. Have someone push you around in a trolley


39 responses to “Purpose Project

  1. Pingback: Update: The “Giving My Life Some Purpose” Project « A Chick Named Hermia

  2. I was going to suggest dancing – Jane Shortall (www.janeshortall.com) does the most fun dance classes in Dublin city. Not cheap but in one class you’ll learn a routine and it is so much fun. The “shoot a movie” thing is a little far-fetched in my opinion, and not something the average person has the resources to do, but writing a screenplay would be a good project!

  3. this is a great list! i would love to join in 🙂

  4. Love it! Good luck with this my lovely xxx

  5. AMEN to number 32 haha LOVE it darling!!!
    This is so inspiring!!!

  6. you went with the naga moris on your list, yayy. give me a shout when you get around to it 🙂

    and this list is very inspiring, all the best with it!!

  7. girlfromthehills

    Love these!!!! It’s good to have goals. And a movie is doable as long as it’s short and maybe this will give you inspiration and you never know you might even win if you enter:

    The Jameson Empire Done in 60 Seconds Competition

    Best of luck with it and enjoy!

  8. Oh my gosh! I love it!! Definitely going to print this out. Lots of wonderful ideas. Thanks so much!

  9. Great list.

    It might be an idea to strikethrough the ones you’ve managed so you and your readers can keep track of your progress?

  10. Great ideas.Definetly will print this list.Though new things might be added anytime…

  11. Lend someone a shoulder to lean on. There’s nothing greater in life than to be there for someone else.

  12. I love this list. There are so many listed that I thought about doing but never bothered. So this list will remind me once I print this out. Thanks!

  13. This is so awesome! I may steal some of these suggestions 🙂

  14. Oh I love this list! Some brilliant ideas, might rob a few for my own year!>

    Here are my suggestions, don’t think they can compete though…

    First – Say ‘yes’ to everything for one week – every opportunity, every offer of help, every date request, every night out, every dinner etc… so long as it won’t have a dangerous or complicated impact on the rest of your life, you have to say yes.

    Second – If you have a bit of cash kicking about…Go to Heuston Station. Buy a ticket for the first train to anywhere. Arrive at anywhere. Ask everyone which is the best bakery in town. Buy lots of cake in the bakery. Head home for a cake party.

    Third – Allow your nicer friends to do your hair, makeup and dress you before a night out. You can’t look in the mirror ’til you’re out..

    Four – Choreograph a dance routine to ‘Baby Got Back’ with your friends. Upload to blog.

    That’s all I have for now, but if I think of any more, I’ll be back!

    LOVE this idea by the way…


  15. Eve

    What fun! Ever since you posted the idea I’ve been thinking up ideas! Hehe! I just LOVE this idea!
    How about:

    -Spend the night in a tent in your backyard
    -Try eating foods only beginning with L for a day
    -Knit a pair of socks
    -Go around one day pretending to be from somewhere else (including the accent)
    -Have murder mystery party
    -Where a wig for a whole day and pretend its your real hair

    I’m sure I’ll think of more!


  16. I could use a list like this. To give me some kind of direction and not to be constantly walking around as if Im blindfolded or something.. I think Ill start with wearing more dresses and stop being grumpy all the time.

  17. Such a good idea! I suggest making a stop-go animation (like Wallace & Gromit!) I spent 2 weeks making one… actually kinda fun!x

  18. Wow… great list! I’ve done a few… no20 I did in Ireland & everyone did a huge Mexican Wave, no25 I have 2 tattoos & I’ve had 5 different piercings, no34&35 I’ve read Twilight & Harry Potter, no37 I took myself to see Marie Antoinette… it was great, I didn’t have to share my popcorn! No 55 I’ve done, no65 I’ve tried pigeon meat… yummy & no 72 my boyfriend & I did in Egypt when we went for my 30th birthday. Number 79 I think I’ll do next… sounds like fun! xoxox

  19. “The “shoot a movie” thing is a little far-fetched in my opinion, and not something the average person has the resources to do, but writing a screenplay would be a good project!”

    It’s only far fetched if you can’t be bothered to do it. Do you have a camera phone? Most computers have Windows Movie Maker nowadays. You could take pictures and put them together like a stop motion animation. You are only limited by your creativity – that and I don’t think she intends to shoot something the size of Avatar.

  20. I love this i will totally try to do something like this but to a lesser scale!
    – doing what you said lols but still as said before love this idea 😀

  21. Love the list! I’ve done a few of these if you need some tips 🙂

  22. Anna

    Great list Hermia…to add to this list
    1) paint a picture to hand on your wall
    2) one day of the year, fill your pocket with change/notes (depending on your financial status) and take a walk in town and hand out to all those looking for money – give freely without judgement til your pocket is empty.
    3) practise saying yes to life
    4) make listening your goal

    keep up the writing!

  23. paint your room a different colour!

  24. Pingback: Update: The Project « A Chick Named Hermia

  25. this sounds like so much fun! I’m going to print this off now and stick it on my wall to cross off as I go along. This is so exciting! 🙂 Xxxx

  26. This is awesome, i think i shall jump on the bandwagon, and if you dont mind – put a little link to your blog and this wonderful idea along with it 🙂

  27. I love this!!!! I’m going to do one as well and keep it updated on my blog. Thanks so much for the inspiration!

    xx Rachael

  28. This is such a great list! I think I want to have to do number 79 the most though – oh and secretly 57 🙂

  29. hehe have someone push you around in a trolley 😀

    i’d love to do lot’s of these is it all right if i try something like it?

  30. I love this list! Sorry I’m so late making my suggestions, I think you’ve already closed it & there are so many there that its hard to think of anything new! But here we go anyway…

    Make the most of any festivals in your area. Get the programmes & go to at least one film/concert/art exhibition/play/ event for each festival thats on. I guess this depends on where you live though.

    Make a new friend.

    Bake a cake.

    Swim in the sea.

    Have a picnic.

    Good luck with doing them all this year! 🙂

  31. Pingback: The Giving My Life Some Purpose Project: Week 2 « A Chick Named Hermia

  32. I just laughed a lot, i was going through the list seeing how many i’ve done. number 57- steal a sign. i have mastered this one! i was in a nightclub on halloween night, dressed as a scubadiver in a proper wetsuit and flippers, so naturally i was very drunk. i woke up the next morning with a 6 foot bright blue ‘trick or treat’ tombstone beside my bed. how i got it home, i will never know! it’s still in my room, anyone want it?! ha ha!

  33. Pingback: Some random musings… « A Chick Named Hermia

  34. Pingback: The GMLSP Project « A Chick Named Hermia

  35. Pingback: ’cause your friends don’t dance and if they don’t dance well they’re no friends of mine! « theboywhofoundfear

  36. BernieLuvsEllen

    I soooo want to do this too! Not everything on the list, bit the concept is a great way to set goals and let your readers know too! Very personal!

  37. theboy

    what happened to this Hermia?

  38. I can definitely help you out on number 20!!
    I am also able to explain the offside rule using the context of shopping 🙂

  39. Pingback: My Personal Style Resolutions #2: A Chick Named Hermia « The Licentiate

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