Tag Archives: Zooey Deschanel

That Friday Feeling

Right now, I feel a little bit like this…

…only without ‘getting laid’ being the reason for the happiness.

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Filed under Random

I am Her and She is Me

How do we choose our girl crushes?

I had a friend who was obsessed with Alexa Chung.
At the time, I was pretty clueless about indie celebs and if they weren’t plastered all over billboards, then I’d probably never heard of them.
When I eventually got around to looking up this Chung character, I found myself looking at someone who wasn’t all that dissimilar to my friend.
They had hair that was similar in colour and shape, the same pretty tomboy style, same unusually attractive faces.
The friend had been this way before I knew of her Alexa obsession, so I was pretty certain that the likeness wasn’t down to copycat-dom.
Coincidence then?

I’m a doubter.
I think we pick these crushes because we see these girls as the ‘better’ versions of ourselves -the people we could be if we had slightly nicer genes, more money, well-connected parents or a few lucky breaks.

You all know that I worship at the feet of Zooey Deschanel.
We have a similar retro vibe with our hairstyles,  clothing choices (well, more my wish list choices due to a lack of funds) and our taste in music.
She is who I’d like to think I could be.
The Me in life’s dimmed lighting.

It’s a comfort to think that if all my flaws and failures were wiped away (and if I had her cute features, quirky charm, oozing talent and hypnotic charisma of course), I could be her.
She’s the perfected version of who I’ve aimed to be.
And while I struggle in the marshy pit of inadequacy, I can look to her and she gives me hope.

So what do you think?
Is there more to your girl crushes than mere admiration?


Filed under General Observations

Je ne comprend pas….

So the French classes start this evening.
Lads, I really don’t know what I was thinking!
This process is everything I hate: foreign languages, public speaking, making an idiot of myself and getting home late.
And I’m pretty sure I was repressing memories in order to manipulate myself into signing up to the class, because all of a sudden all these forgotten feelings and incidents are flocking back into my conscious and I’m freaking out.
This is pure madness!
It’s unbelievable that I would willingly put myself through this torment!

Here is a list of things I’d rather do than go to French tonight:
1. Have dinner with Kristen Stewart.
2. Borrow an outfit from Taylor Momsen and then proceed to wear said outfit in public during the sunlight hours.
3. Tell Stephenie Meyer she’s a talented wordsmith.
4. Tell Zooey Deschanel that I hate her and force her to stop making movies and music.
5. Spend a day with Hector Ó hEochagáin.
6. Have two dinners and brunch with Kristen Stewart.
7. Dance in public.
8: Encourage Stephenie Meyer to finish her fifth Twilight book.
9. Use the word ‘hater’ as part of my daily vocabulary.
10. Eat my weight in peas.


Filed under Daily Update.

Fashion Files: Zooey Deschanel










Filed under Fashion

Filling in the Blanks…

I don’t normally do these quiz-type-thingies, but I saw this week’s Fill In The Blanks Friday Sunday by Lauren and wanted to take part!

Don’t forget to take part in my teeny-tiny-barely-90secs-long survey if you haven’t already!!
If you have done it, then thanks a squillion….the feedback so far has been SO helpful!

Fill In The Blanks

1. One fashion trend I really regret is really hard to pick because I’ve had so many over the years. The ‘fairy skirt’ from First Year in college was pretty horrendous. Red Levis when I was ten weren’t great either. Oh and then there was the ‘All Denim Phase’ *shudders*. LOL!

2. The one thing that always completes any outfit is a scarf! I never leave the house without one! A nice vintage scarf can just transform a boring outfit and make it so interesting!

3. I would describe my personal style as ….uhm…the majority of the time I’d say….modern-vintage maybe? I love florals and patent shoes and cardigans and tea dresses and lace and petticoats and slips and wool. I also love battered leather and tees with vintage or dreamy patterns and oversized masculine jumpers, tweeds and blazers. Of course now and again, I just won’t be bothered to iron and will wear an old pair of jeans with cons and sweatshirt…but I’m vintage at heart!

4. My fashion muse is Zooey Deschanel (duh! says everyone who reads this blog), closely followed by Clemence Poesy. Lesser influences include old Kirsten Dunst, Marion Cotillard, Alexa Chung and Daisy Lowe.

5. If I could own one designer piece of clothing it would be a classic Chanel Flap Bag (and a Burberry Trench).

6. I would love to raid the wardrobe of … Zooey!!!!

7. Today I am wearing a cream lace dress, pale pink ballet pumps, pale dusty purple scarf and a vintage-floral-faced watch with a battered red leather strap.


Filed under Fashion

There’s stars in my eyes and there’s sun in my hair

Put your pretty dress on
it’s time for you to go to the dance
tie your hair in ribbons and lace
and wear pearls round your neck
And all the pretty princes will see you
All the pretty princes will see you
Some day
Some day

-Rosie Thomas’ Pretty Dress

I had some brand new shoes
They were all red,
But they gave me the blues
And they’re runnin’ away,
They left me a letter
It’s just like you told me it’d be
It’s nothin’ nothin’ nothin’
Nothin’ at all

-She and Him’s Brand New Shoes


Filed under Fashion, Music

it’s Love, it’s not Santa Claus

For Tom Hansen, this was the night where everything changed. That wall Summer so often hid behind – the wall of distance, of space, of casual – that wall was slowly coming down. For here was Tom, in her world… a place few had been invited to see with their own eyes. And here was Summer, wanting him there. Him, no one else.

As he listened, Tom began to realize that these stories weren’t routinely told. These were stories one had to earn. He could feel the wall coming down.

He wondered if anyone else had made it this far.


Filed under General Observations, Movies, Pretty Things

The Giving-My-Life-Some-Purpose Post

An old college buddy has recently started this blog, where he attempts to complete one crazy challenge every week for the whole year.

The idea has kinda stuck with me because

(A) I never make New Year’s Resolutions because I find them tedious and

(B) I haven’t any Life Events occurring in the next year.

I don’t want to look back in 30 years and say, “Hermia, what the frick!!!??? You wasted a whole precious year of your youth!!!!”

And that got me thinking of an episode of Scrubs where JD tries to convince a woman to get treatment that might save her by naming a load of things you should do before you die (in the end, he realises she’s already done all these things ….and then she dies).

Now while Crazy College Guy is doing insane things like learning to unicycle, developing a computer game and not talking for a week, I’m not really looking to push myself to the limit or punish myself (possible attributed to the fact that I’m a little lazy and I hate inconveniencing myself): I just want to be able to add some note-worthy stuff to my life’s repertoire.

So I’m looking for ideas.

I’d like you guys to recommend some things that you think that people should experience/learn/do/see/etc at some point in their lives, even if it’s reading the Harry Potter series or spinning very fast through a revolving door.

Now obviously there’s going to be huge things like “Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower” and “Swim with sharks” and “Dive out of a plane”, and while I encourage those suggestions,  I’d also like you to throw in smaller must-dos.

They can be short-term, like “Eat sushi” or long-term, like “Grow a mustache” (well you know what I mean!)

Then I will compile a list and post it on my blog (in case anyone else wants to join in) and I will get started on it!

I probably won’t be able to do them weekly, but I’ll be looking to do somewhere in the region of 40-50 things by the end of the year.

I’d also appreciate if you could spread the idea to other bloggers so I can get more suggestions, which will mean a longer list of Must Dos and hopefully more participants in the project!!!!

Thanks for your help guys!!!!!!!!!!!!


Filed under Daily Update., General Observations, Random, The Giving My Life Some Purpose Project

I have been up since 5.30am

The first 3 hours of my day were pitch black.

Stupid job.


Filed under Daily Update., Photography, Random

Take me away to nowhere plains


Filed under Movies, Music, Pretty Things